Your Pet, Your Responsibility.

by / Tuesday, 01 June 2021 /
Post Image Having pets could be quite enjoyable for its owners. They bring so much joy.

However, be informed when you select the type of pets and its characteristics. Be knowledgeable of the pet regulations in Lippo Village before you decide what kind of pets to be part of your household.

Recently TMD received complaints about fowl and poultry. Keeping large number of fowl and poultry in residential areas can really be a public nuisance. Not only the smell of fowl manure pollutes the air and cause annoying loud sounds, if they are not properly looked after, but it can also spread disease such avian flu virus which can have adverse effects on humans too.

Do observe the following Lippo Village poultry or fowl regulations:
• Do not keep a large number of poultry for breeding and use the area of the house or yard or even the verges as a place for natural mating and breeding, both for commercial and hobby purposes.
• Chickens and any other poultry should not be roaming around.
• Prevent poultry manure and waste from polluting the environment.
• Ensure that they are kept in a cage as your pets in limited numbers, be a responsible owner and do regular checks on their health.

Always be considerate of your neighbours and prevent any environmental hazards. Do not let your hobby be a nuisance to your neighbours and its surroundings.