Pest Control and How to Get Best Results

by / Tuesday, 10 November 2020 /
Post Image To control and anticipate the mosquitoes and other insects in Lippo Village, TMD has appointed a professional team to do regular pest control. Each cluster will be scheduled once a month to have pest control in outdoors and public areas.

There are 3 methods applied for pest control:

1) Fogging
• Produces smoke which gives a quick effect over a large area, the mosquitoes quickly disappear temporarily.
• Sometime after application, flying insects may still come from the surrounding environment.
• The reach of fogging smoke is unpredictable, so it can spread to the surrounding environment.
• Hot fogging applications make a loud sound so that at certain times, it can be annoying.

2) Misting
• Generates droplets / moisture so that when using chemicals that have a residue, it can increase residue on the surface of objects, for example, plants, walls and others. Thus the application can kill insect pests directly during application and indirectly when insect/pests land on plants and walls.
• The reach of the droplets is not as far as the fogging smoke, so they can be directed to certain locations so that they do not spread to the surrounding environment.
• Apart from being effective in controlling flying insects (flies and mosquitoes) it is also effective for controlling pests that destroy plants at various stages of development including the larvae stage. This can provide protection for the residents' ornamental plants / fruit.

3) Using Larvicide
• Another effective mosquitoes control is to control the source (larvae in stagnant water).
• 1 adult female mosquito can produce about 350 eggs (new larvae & mosquitoes)
• Control mosquito larvae in stagnant water with larvicide.

These three methods have its own benefit or can cause some negative results. As for clusters that are sizeable in area, TMD usually applies the fogging method, TMD usually use fogging methods, especially during the rainy season. We always announce the schedule in Instagram: @lippovillage and website:; and send notification by email and WA blast, so residents can be well prepared for the pest control activities.

Please take note of the pest control schedule in your area and do not apply additional pest control during the scheduled time. This is important as pest control using chemical can bring unwanted negative effects for you and your family's health if exposed too much within a short period.

What can you do to send the mosquitoes and unwanted insects away from your house?

Always maintain the cleanliness of your home and its surrounding. Do the 4M plus activities, namely:
• draining water reservoirs at least once a week,
• burying used items that can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes,
• closing water reservoirs so they are not used as breeding places for mosquitoes, and
• monitoring larvae regularly, especially during the rainy season where some water remain stagnant in unused can, container or even your plants.

If you really want to have pest control using chemical, you can choose a misting method as it will focus only within your property area, without smoke disturbance to your neighbour's area.

Call us at 557 77 557 if you wish to talk to one of our Pest Control officers on how to get the best results and keep those mosquitoes and other pests away.

Pest Control - fogging method in a residential area of Lippo Village

Cover Photo: created by Welcomia