Wanting To Remodel Your Home: Tips For A Stress-Free Renovation

by / Saturday, 10 October 2020 /
Post Image It’s hard to think of renovating your house without getting stressed already! With the right planning and scheduling, renovation project can be stress-free and the outcome certainly thrilling for everyone involved.

Remodelling or renovations can be small or huge projects. It may be that you simply want to repair some damage or perhaps change a room design that you find not suitable anymore, or add more living space for your growing family.

Improving and making your living environment more comfortable are the main purpose for renovating your home, so, don’t let the process cause stress! 

Make it a pleasant and enjoyable experience for the family and here’s how:

1) Plan Ahead
Without careful planning, renovations can be different from what you imagine. Make sure the renovations do not only meet your current needs but for the coming years. Before renovating, be sure to agree on what you and your family want. Design changes during the renovation process may result in unnecessary disagreements between parties involved and can be costly.

2) Set priorities and adjust the budget
Determine your priorities, which spaces or rooms will be renovated, and how the renovations will be carried out. Prepare your priorities list and set a budget. If the works do not meet the budget, select which work can go ahead and still meet your expectations.

3) Create a Budget Plan
This is very important. If you use a contractor, they are the ones who will create a budget plan that contains a breakdown of costs based on the needs of each material multiplied by the current material price. Stick to the budget as much as you can.

4) Maintain the old building structure
This can save costs. Try to change the space, but change the structure of the building as little as possible.

5) Keep an eye on material buying
Get involved in purchasing materials. This helps prevent mistakes in selecting materials and control expenses.

6) Consider moving temporarily
If your renovations are big enough and you have young children or seniors, consider moving temporarily, to maintain the health of your family members. Try to rent a house that is not too far away so that it will be easy for you to supervise the works. This move will also help the renovation work to move faster.

7) Provide funds for the interior
If you change the style of the building, you may also change the interiors of your home by creating a new look. Set aside funds for new furniture and accessories.

8) Permission to Renovate from TMD
Obtain a permit from TMD. Non-Structural/ Structural Renovations, Applications for Extension of Renovations/ New Building. This is important to ensure that work will be carried out uninterrupted.
You can submit your application online via https://linktr.ee/InfoLippoVillage.

During the renovation, noise disturbance to your neighbours may arise. Before your start work, it would be better if you can communicate with your neighbors, especially at the left, right, behind, and in front of you.

Upon approval, observe TMD regulations, including the Covid-19 health and safety protocols in place. TMD Inspectors will do regular checking on your project. Don’t let your project stop in the midst of construction due to violations of TMD regulations.

A stress-free renovation of your dream home depends on you!

Photo by Freepik