Electrical Fire Safety

by / Wednesday, 01 November 2023 /
Post Image A lack of knowledge about fire safety can lead to severe fires. By understanding the fire triangle - heat, fuel, and oxygen - you can learn how fires start and grow. In the case of a short circuit, items like paper, curtains, or wood can fuel the fire.

To extinguish a fire, you must separate at least one element of the fire triangle. Water is commonly used for this purpose, as it turns into vapor and separates the fire from oxygen. However, water is not suitable for electrical fires, as it conducts electricity and makes the situation worse.

So, what should you do?

First and foremost, turn off the electricity. Use chemical or gas-based fire extinguishers (like those containing carbon dioxide) to tackle electrical fires. If water is your only option, ensure that the power source is 100% turned off to avoid electrocution and further damage. Quickly splashing water might work on very small fires.

Immediately call TMD Emergency at 0800 1900 911 to report a fire before it gets bigger. The fire brigade is on standby 24/7 to stop any fire from spreading widely. They are professionals who can completely eliminate risks to you, your family and neighbours.

To prevent electrical issues, follow these safety tips:
  1. Use materials with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), Electricity Problems Institute (LMK), and PLN Standard (SPLN) labels.
  2. Avoid overloading sockets with multiple devices.
  3. Regularly check your home's electrical installations.
  4. Replace any frayed or exposed power cords.
  5. Steer clear of electricity theft.
Keep your loved ones and community safe from harm. Don't be a fire starter!