Handling Power Outages with Ease

by / Saturday, 01 July 2023 /
Post Image Power outages can occur unexpectedly and often lead to several disruptions at home.

TMD collaborates with PLN, keeping each other informed about scheduled routine maintenance at the power supply station. TMD, in turn, notifies residents via email about the timing and duration of maintenance work, ensuring they know exactly what to do when the power goes offline.

Ideally, electricity distribution – from small-scale networks to large-scale transmission lines or substations – should operate continuously without interruptions. However, unforeseeable disruptions can occasionally result in unexpected power outages in your area.

During unexpected power outages in Lippo Village residential areas, TMD 911 Emergency staff promptly contacts PLN to gather information and relay this critical info to residents immediately.

Repair work and power restoration fall under PLN's authority and responsibility. Meanwhile, TMD's Electrical Officer closely monitors the situation with PLN to provide residents with updates on when power is expected to be restored.

Several factors could cause power disruptions:

  • External error: events outside the system, including natural disasters or weather-related incidents caused by fallen trees, lightning, earthquakes, floods, animal activity, or vehicle accidents.
  • Internal/System error: issues within the system, such as power overloads, aging equipment or electrical components, and excessive voltage that damages insulation and hampers stability.
  • Human error: missteps by field operators who fail to adhere to established procedures.

If a power outage occurs only at your home while neighboring houses remain unaffected, check your MCB first. If the MCB switch has changed from on to off, simply return it to the on position. Should it revert back to off, there may be an overload beyond the MCB's capacity - a short circuit - or damaged/burned electronic equipment might be in operation.

TMD officers ensure that public street lights (PJU) function properly by routinely monitoring, repairing, or replacing them. Should you spot any unusual PJU activity, please inform us.

Be ready and well-informed on what action to take when the power goes out.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay