Mind Your Speed in Residential Areas

by / Saturday, 01 July 2023 /
Post Image Drive slowly!

In residential areas, various activities take place, such as children playing and running or residents walking their pets. It's crucial for drivers to be cautious and adhere to the designated speed limits of 10-15 kph to ensure everyone's safety.

Your compliance with this rule is crucial to ensure pedestrians and non-drivers can traverse the streets without fear or unease.

Lippo Village demonstrates a unique approach, with no speed bumps installed throughout its streets - both residential and public areas. Since the 80’s speed bump installations have increased elsewhere in the city, but Lippo Village has refrained from adopting this practice from the very start of its development in the early 90’s.

Driving over speed bumps can prove inconvenient and may even promote inattentiveness to road signs and regulations, causing some drivers to speed up once they've passed them.

Prioritizing safety for oneself and others should always come first. Maintain a slower speed when entering residential neighborhoods. Through mutual respect and adherence to the rules, we can preserve the comfort of living within Lippo Village and ensure that speed bumps never become a necessity.

The key is to drive with care, pay attention to the road and other users.

Image by standret on Freepik