Share the Road. Obey the Rules.

by / Wednesday, 01 March 2023 /
Post Image Who doesn't love cycling on smooth roads with shady trees on either side of the road? Cycle at Boulevard Palem Raya, one of the favourite roads among cyclists in Lippo Village. The road is smooth and the canopy of mature trees that line it provides shade and freshness that we long for when exercising outdoors.

However, sharing the road with cars can be dangerous. Keep in mind to protect yourself by maintaining a safe distance with other motorists. While you can’t control other drivers’ actions, you can control how you ride and conduct yourself on the road.

It’s necessary to understand about the road conditions where you’re riding. Different from other residential areas, 85% of access roads in Lippo Village are residential roads, which are directly opposite the residents' houses. Therefore, for the safety and convenience of all parties, TMD has established these ‘rules of the road’. Please observe when cycling. Inform your friends and members of the cycling club coming from other areas about the Lippo Village cycling regulations:


• Cyclists and drivers have the same rights, the same rules and the same responsibilities when it comes to road sharing. Make sure that you cycle in your lane, not the other’s lane.

• Cyclists must obey all signs and traffic control devices and do not cycle against the traffic.

• The road is not a race track. Keep a maximum bicycle speed of 25 Kph. Do not speed.

• Keep your distance from other cyclists, make sure your bike group consists of a maximum of 6 persons.

Follow these simple rules and you can enjoy your ride in Lippo Village!

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay