Start Composting at Home and Enjoy your Beautiful Garden

by / Sunday, 01 January 2023 /
Post Image Welcoming the year 2023, resolve now to become the new (sustainable) you. Take small, sustainable steps that add up to a big impact on the environment where you live and beyond.

Composting is one of the best ways to be more eco-friendly as it can keeps food waste out of landfills. Compost is also good for your garden, outdoor or indoor. The nutrient-rich material can be added to the soil of your vegetable gardens, houseplants, flower beds and helps your plants thrive.

Here’s how you can start composting at home:

Think about your space
You can use smaller kitchen counter compost bins if you don’t have a large garden. However, if you have the space for a bigger pile outside, you can create a pile and use a simple bin from wood.

Know the importance of brown and green
The browns can consist of twigs, dead leaves, straw or sawdust. They will help keep air pockets in the compost, which is important for the oxygen flow. They also become as carbon sources, which also help your compost and make your new soil rich. The greens can be things from the kitchen, like fruit or veggie scraps, grass clippings, coffee grounds and tea. Chop up your food scraps to help them break down better. They will add nitrogen, which also creates rich soil. Stick about 30 parts browns to 1 part greens for the best mix.

Consider organism for composting
Earthworms are good for composting. You can get these from old compost, potting soil, and compost starters.

Layer up
Now you have a bin, browns, greens – it’s time to make your compost layers. First layer on the sticks, straw, and add your browns, then your greens, and lastly, your soil. Wet it down until it’s slightly damp (too much moisture leads to mold and maggots). Grab shovel and start mixing.

Know what not to add in your compost
Some items you need to be excluded as they can breed germs, bacteria and maggots. Don’t put dog poop, cat poop or litter, bird poop, and other pet feces. Dairy products, meat and oil should also not be added. Citrus fruits should be avoided too, as they will disturb the pH levels in your soil, which inhibits the composting process.

Learn how to maintain your compost
Remember oxygen is important, so turning the pile will help the process. Piles will naturally heat as nitrogen and carbon build up, make sure the pile is hot and has good drainage. They should always be damp and not overly wet. By adding in kitchen scraps, you are feeding the good microorganisms, and this cut down on how much water you need to add to your compost.

Be patient
Mostly it will take 3 to 6 months to have good compost. You can store it once it’s completed. Keep them away from extreme weather.

We hope these composting tips can help you to have a healthy and lush garden at home!

Image by Davie Bicker from Pixabay