Save. Conserve. Save More.

by / Monday, 01 August 2022 /
Post Image It’s time to think again on how to conserve electricity. One of the biggest motivators for conserving electricity is to cut down your electricity bills. By doing so, it will also save these valuable resource, energy and help stop global warming.

The idea of conserving electricity means that we should use it when necessary and avoid wasting it. Take a look around your house, any appliance that operates on electricity can be made more energy-efficient. By simply making a change to your daily habits are also effective ways to reduce the amount of electricity you use.

How can you save on electricity?

1. Lighting
• Turn off the lights: this is the simplest way and it really works. Be mindful of how many lights you really need to be using at once. When you leave the room, make a habit of turning off the lights.
• Embrace natural light: using natural light whenever possible. Open up your curtains and let the sun shine in. Exposure to natural light also increases happiness.
• Change bulbs: replacing regular incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED Bulbs is a big energy saver. Incandescent bulbs release 98% of their consumed energy through heat, while CFL and LED bulbs are much more energy efficient and last several times longer.

2. Appliances
• Unplug any appliances that aren’t in use: it keeps using energy, even when they’re switched off. Even an appliances as small as a coffee pot continues slowly sapping energy moment it stays plugged in. Using a power strip with a switch makes this easier, all you have to do is flip a switch instead of pulling 4 devices out of their sockets.
• Replace old appliances with energy-saving models. Usually newer models are designed to conserve more energy.

What do you do to save electricity at home?
Make a conscious list and get everybody at home to save, bit by bit and before you know it, you will be saving more!

TMD Electrical Team repair PJU 

Info TMD on electricity!

If there is a power outage in your home, check around you whether it is dark and there is also a power outage. If yes, then the power outage is carried out by PLBN. If it's only happening in your home, stay calm.

The electricity is partially or completely off, before making a 911 Emergency Call, residents should check the MCB panel. Check if any MCB is off, if you find there is an MCB in the off position, try to change it back to the on position. If it turns out that all the MCBs are on, but the electricity is still not back on, please call 911 Emergency Call.

MCB is a power limiting device. There are several factors that can cause the MCB to turn off, including:
• Short circuit
• Excess power
• or, the MCB is already weak and must be replaced.

Make wise choices when it comes to power. Save on energy costs!
